Quit India Movement Day Assembly Class VII

 Celebrating the Quit India Movement

Our school assembly focused on the pivotal Quit India Movement, a significant milestone in India's struggle for Independence by students of class 7A and 7B. The assembly commenced with the prayer followed by pledge. The thought for the day was presented by Prasnakshi Nayak from 7A in English, followed by Dhruv from 7B, who shared an inspiring thought in Hindi. Kashvi from 7B delivered the news of the day, keeping everyone informed of current events. Tilak Sharma from 7A captivated the audience with an insightful speech on the importance of the Quit India Movement. Rishika from 7A recited a poignant poem that resonated with the day's theme. The assembly concluded with a motivational speech which emphasized "Freedom as a Fundamental Right," reminding us of the sacrifices made for our liberty.

#QuitIndiaMovement #SchoolAssembly #FreedomIsOurRight #UnityAndResponsibility #InspirationalSpeeches

#RPSIS89 #MiddleWing


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