World Heritage Day Activities

Our rich and varied cultural heritage has a profound power to help build our nation." - Nelson Mandela 

18th April is observed as World Heritage Day which is also known as the International Monuments and Sites Day, celebrates the work carried out by the ICOMOS – International Council on Monuments and Sites. The day is all about increasing the awareness of the importance of the diversity of cultural heritage and preserving it for future  generations. 

To celebrate this day and create awareness, few activities were planned by the Middle Wing of the school on this day. 

Students of Class VI came to school in traditional dresses and spoke about their cultural significance and why they are worn.

Students of Class VII Prepared brochures on famous monuments of their choice. They came up with wonderful presentations. 

Students of Class 8 spoke about and described antique items of their choice. Few of them shared Dadi Maa ke Nuskhe. 

Students took part in the activities with great zeal and excitement. 


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